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Welcome to Gault!

We will build a safe, caring community that fosters respect, values diverse cultures and languages, practices life skills, and engages in social and environmental service to the community. Through an articulated, integrated, school-wide arts and science program, based on direct experience, we will guide students in discovering the joy and excitement of developing their voices through self-expression.


Through a meaningful and developmentally appropriate curriculum, we will ensure all students experience continuous growth in academic skills in order to become complex thinkers, collaborative learners and clear communicators. This mission is accomplished through excellence in teaching and through partnership with parents and our community.


Gault thrives on the community that is created by the parents and families that immerse themselves in the school, it’s truly what makes this school so special.


We're so glad you're here!

Our success is community-built. Join in! To get involved, come to the next meeting of the Gault Parent Teacher Organization!

Join in!

Student Success starts at Home.

So, we do too. We're committed to helping our families thrive. This means access to:


  • Our school and district leadership

  • Health resources (medical, dental & mental), to housing and food resources

  • Easy contact with local support organizations


It means that help is always here at Gault for those who need it.

Need help?

Parent Testimonials:

"The teachers and staff at Gault are amazing. They truly care about growing the whole student at Gault through academics and enrichment. We are so happy to have our children attend Gault."


- Regan Eymann

"Couldn’t be happier with Gault. I am so impressed with the staff and attitude! The school as a whole places a great deal of emphasis on helping the children learn to interact in a kind and respectful way—Figuring out how to manage conflicts, inclusive play, learning how to complement each other, etc.


Gault has the best life lab garden of all the Santa Cruz city schools, and a huge parent support system, which funds art and music and PE. My boys learn music four times a week, and they are also learning Spanish four days a week!!! They are being exposed to diversity and learning to respect differences in culture, language, and traditions. Gault is an amazing school and we feel lucky to be a part of it!"


- Jen Crumbacher

"I toured several schools in the area in the process of deciding on where to send my children, I had some idea or notion that there must be something wrong with my neighborhood school. Well, it turns out that the something wrong is that I had those reservations in the first place!


Gault teachers utilize a hands-on meet-the-child-at-their-level approach that allows for total differentiationsimilar to the methodology applied in Montessori based schools. Teachers meet in the summer, discuss every child & run as a truly a child-centered school.


Gault has the most committed, passionate parents who are an amazing support system to both Gault & one another. Across the school, in every classroom, you will see a steady stream of parents volunteering in some capacity & this ability to connect to families through their children & participate in units of study with the teacher deeply connects us. Gault is an amazing, magical place. Come see it for yourself, your neighborhood school has much to offer!"


- Bunny Tessier

"Gault has been an overwhelmingly positive school environment. My children have received the guidance and care of a highly motivated and experienced team of teachers and support staff. As a parent I feel completely confident of the academic opportunity to learn the school provides.


Communication between school and home is very high. The community between parents in support of the school is exemplary. A most important benefit of having my children attend their neighborhood elementary is evident in the strong friendships they have with their follow students and the real sense of pride they all share in their neighborhood school. This strength of feeling extends to our local business community, who are ever ready year after year to support Gault in extending many enrichment programs to the students. The life lab, library, art and music at Gault are a huge attraction to parents. These vital programs benefit the children enormously.


We are immensely proud to be members of the Gault Elementary Family."


- Maryanne Campbell

Give & Support Gault!

Your support is vital for teacher supplies, enrichment activities, our community events & more! Thank you so much!


Need something?Questions? Reach out!


1320 Seabright Avenue

Santa Cruz, CA 95062


Tel: (831) 429-3856

Fax: (831) 427-4812


Email Community Coordinator

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