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Gault School provides a rigorous start to a successful academic career. We work to instill a love of learning and an understanding of the rewards of hard work, to produce leaders in Math, Language Arts, Science and critical thinking.

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Transitional Kindergarten

If your child turns 5 between September 2 2024 & June 2, 2025, they qualify for Transitional Kindergarten (TK)Transitional Kindergarten is the bridge between preschool and kindergarten. It is year one of a two year kindergarten program. This is a wonderful opportunity for students, with a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate. Gault transitional kindergarten follows the Kindergarten daily schedule Monday-Friday.



During the child's year in kindergarten he/she will be learning many things in the areas of academics, physical development, socialization, and emotional development. Academic areas will include math, reading, science, and social studies.


Math skills to be covered include grouping, sorting, patterning, numbers, shapes, measurement, and composing/decomposing numbers to ten. Reading activities involve learning the letter names and  sounds, writing on a daily basis, and having exposure to a wide range of literature. Science concepts will be covered through a variety of units and might include areas such as animals, plants, weather, and include experiments and activities. Social studies curriculum will include concepts about community helpers and neighborhoods, and try to give value to all cultures and people.


Children will develop physically through recess and physical education classes where they develop large motor control and through manipulative activities to develop fine motor control.

A large part of kindergarten is socialization where we learn to take turns, share, use polite manners and understand how to work as a part of a group. Finally, your child will develop emotionally by displaying self–confidence and control.

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First Grade

First grade is a magical year where children grow both personally and academically. Over the course of the year we will be studying five hands-on thematic units, which include: Community Builders / Life in the Garden / Matter, Air and Weather / We live in America & Life in the Ocean. We take several field trips to enrich these units.


First grade is also an important year for literacy development. Students read everyday at school and need to read everyday at home. Books are available to all, in the classroom and in our school’s library.


As a first grade team we collaborate to ensure all students receive a similar educational experience. We also encourage parent participation and support.

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Second Grade

Second grade is a wonderful year of building foundational skills in literacy and mathematics, as well as developing life-long learning habits. Students engage in hands-on science lessons focusing on Interdependent Species, Changes in the Earth’s Surface, and the three States of Matter. Students begin to take ownership of their learning and actions as they assume an active role in their classroom communities.

Third Grade

Using a growth mindset third grade students will explore grade level standards in math, language arts, social studies, and science. In addition cooperative GLAD strategies will be used to understand the local history and ecology of Santa Cruz. Inquiry based field trips will weave together science and social studies. Throughout the year students will develop life skills such as  resilience, independence, and empathy.

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Fourth Grade

The fourth grade instructional programs at Gault Elementary School are committed to preparing our fourth grade students not only for the year that follows, but also to become active members of community.  We aim for our students to become lifelong learners that are committed to academic growth.


The California Common Core Standards guide our instruction, and expectations will be modified and expanded to meet the needs and abilities of each child. For more details on specific learning goals and standards, refer to

Fifth Grade

Our classrooms will focus on respect, responsibility, developing a growth mindset and preparing for middle school expectations. Students will be responsible digital citizens and practice skills that will prepare them to collaborate in the 21st century. Engaging in cooperative learning structures, students will be able to work together to solve real world problems and become more connected to our community. We believe in developing a positive learning environment where students can step into their own excellence and succeed.

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1320 Seabright Avenue

Santa Cruz, CA 95062


Tel: (831) 429-3856

Fax: (831) 427-4812


Email Community Coordinator

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